Event & Market Calendar
What you'll find on our calendar ~
👩🌾 MARKETS typically resume in the springtime. We serve coffee drinks and offer cold brew concentrate and whole bean coffee pick up at markets we attend. Check back soon for market updates!
🪩 POP-UPS & EVENTS Any public event we are a part of will be listed below! Join us for your coffee fix and whatever fun the day brings.
👩🏫 CLASSES for Chattanooga coffee aficionados cover topics such as brewing methods, creating a mindful coffee ritual, espresso drink ordering, home barista skills and more!
🛍️ WEEKLY PICK UP locations around Chattanooga are being added! Soon you will be able to pick up your coffee subscriptions weekly, biweekly, or monthly close to home. Check back soon to find your closest pick up location & associated pick up day!